Monday, January 25, 2010

How in the World Can I Make a Difference that Counts?

A devastating earthquake in Haiti. Sexual abuse of thousands of women and girls throughout our war-torn world. American families forced from their foreclosed homes - homelessness on the rise. Smog-filled skies and polluted rivers. Shuttered businesses - 12.3% unemployment nationwide, and growing. Under-funded schools, unconscionable dropout rates. Drug-gang violence....
As the world's woes bombard us from every direction, and appeals for help flood our email and mail boxes, so is it natural for each of us to feel both overwhelmed and anxious to do something significant to help, somehow.
This is when the suffocating questions begin to suffuse our thoughts about taking action. 'Where do I begin? How can I make a difference? What is the most pressing problem? I'm just one person; how can my limited resources make the biggest impact?' While each of these questions is valid, rather than helping us take focused action, they often have the opposite effect; they force us into knee-jerk responses at best, and an utter standstill at worst.
How can we move from this unsatisfying place
to one where we consciously commit ourselves and our resources to causes that matter both to the world and to us?
Yes, both components - positively impacting the world and ourselves - are key. Why? Because sharing our resources from a win-win place means that we are expressing our authentic selves in response to the world's needs. Finding and sticking with these matches enables us to give freely and joyfully. As important, saying 'Yes' from our authentic selves to specific causes and organizations frees us from guilt about saying 'No, thank you' to others.
I propose 3 phases towards commitment that may be repeated yearly, biannually, or whenever there's a change in our live's warranting review of our current choices:

Self-Awareness -- Exploring the Options -- Taking Action

1. Ask yourself:
"What do I care about right now?"
For example: the environment; women's issues; animal rights; domestic and international poverty alleviation; healthcare; literacy...
Prioritize your top 2-6 choices. Save the others for the future (or for others who have them at the top of
their lists).
2. Then ask yourself,
"At this time in my life, what are my specific, realistic, available resources that I'd like to share?"
categories below with examples)
special skills and/or hobbies - athletics, personal finance how-tos
financial contributions - amount quarterly, semi-annually, annually
volunteering/pro bono work - what type, how often, duration
other donations - clothing, books, food, giving blood
providing connections - government officials, educators, business leaders...
other - ...
Once you've identified types/amounts/times above...
Merge 1 and 2: what matters to you now with the resources you can and want to contribute. *At this point you may not know the specific organization(s) you'll be volunteering for, or contributing to, but you will know the cause(s) you're enthusiastically and realistically ready to put your resources behind.

Now that you've merged your whats with your hows, you're ready to move to exploration. It's a great way to connect with others and discover what resonates with YOU.
Ask: friends and colleagues via email, facebook, linkedin, twitter, face to face
Research the Web: key terms/organizations serving your causes
Visit/Interview: an organization and others who've committed to organizations you're targeting
Check-in with yourself. 'Am I excited about being involved in this cause? Is this organization where I want to put my time and/or resources?' If so, move to Phase 3. If not, move to the next cause or organization on your list until you find the 'right' fit for YOU.

Say 'Yes' to causes and organizations that resonate with YOU.
Enjoy the commitment(s) you've made to make a positive difference in the world.

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