1. Ask yourself: "What do I care about right now?"
For example: the environment; women's issues; animal rights; domestic and international poverty alleviation; healthcare; literacy...
Prioritize your top 2-6 choices. Save the others for the future (or for others who have them at the top of their lists).
2. Then ask yourself, "At this time in my life, what are my specific, realistic, available resources that I'd like to share?"
(see categories below with examples)
a. special skills and/or hobbies - athletics, personal finance how-tos
b. financial contributions - amount quarterly, semi-annually, annually
c. volunteering/pro bono work - what type, how often, duration
d. other donations - clothing, books, food, giving blood
e. providing connections - government officials, educators, business leaders...
f. other - ...
Once you've identified types/amounts/times above...
3. Merge 1 and 2: what matters to you now with the resources you can and want to contribute. *At this point you may not know the specific organization(s) you'll be volunteering for, or contributing to, but you will know the cause(s) you're enthusiastically and realistically ready to put your resources behind.
Now that you've merged your whats with your hows, you're ready to move to exploration. It's a great way to connect with others and discover what resonates with YOU.
1. Ask: friends and colleagues via email, facebook, linkedin, twitter, face to face
2. Research the Web: key terms/organizations serving your causes
3. Visit/Interview: an organization and others who've committed to organizations you're targeting
4. Check-in with yourself. 'Am I excited about being involved in this cause? Is this organization where I want to put my time and/or resources?' If so, move to Phase 3. If not, move to the next cause or organization on your list until you find the 'right' fit for YOU.
1. Say 'Yes' to causes and organizations that resonate with YOU.
2. Enjoy the commitment(s) you've made to make a positive difference in the world.