Monday, March 29, 2010

Nominate a Bay Area Woman Entrepreneur NOW!

Nominate Your Favorite Woman Entrepreneur

Women’s Initiative for Self Employment, one of the largest microenterprise training organizations in the country, is now accepting nominations for their Woman Entrepreneur of the Year Awards. The awards seek to recognize women entrepreneurs in cities throughout the Bay Area who demonstrate the following:

- Have been successful despite the barriers that exist for woman business owners

- Exemplify how business ownership and leadership is beneficial for women and their families

- Have a positive impact on the local community

- Advance their business through innovation.

A Leadership Committee from each region will determine the Woman Entrepreneur of the Year based on information provided by the nominee. Winners will be announced in August and honored at one of five regional award celebrations in October. In addition, winners will be recognized in local media and featured on the Women’s Initiative website and newsletter.

To be considered for the award, an individual must indentify as a woman and be the founder or owner of a successful business. Deadline for nominations is May 31. For more information and to nominate a woman entrepreneur, go to

Monday, March 15, 2010

Do you have 2 hours to help a woman build her business and her confidence? Join me!

Join me and enrich someone's life as well as your own. Volunteer to be a Connector (speed mentor) to women graduate entrepreneurs of
Women's Initiative for Self Employment (WI).

Tuesday, March 30th, 6:30-8:30
Waterfront Hotel
Jack London Square
10 Washington Street
Oakland, CA
For information on Women's Initiative:

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Celebrate International Women’s Day 2010
Monday, March 8

On International Women's Day, March 8, Women for Women International is hosting a global event called "Join me on the Bridge." Thousands of women, children an men worldwide will gather on bridges from San Francisco to Congo to call for an end to war and to demonstrate that women can build the bridges of peace and hope. In Africa, women from Congo and Rwanda will meet on a bridge that spans the border between their countries to demonstrate their desire for peace. In San Francisco, we will join with Americans for UNFPA and walk to the center of the Golden Gate Bridge to honor the resilience of
women survivors of war everywhere in the world.

We hope you'll join us on the Golden Gate Bridge on March 8th as we participate in this global campaign. We will gather in the southeast parking lot (on the San Francisco side of the bridge) at 11:30 AM and at 12:00 PM we will start our walk to the center of the bridge. Parking is limited, so we encourage you to carpool or take public transportation. We will conclude about 1:30pm.
Hope to see you there.

To RSVP please visit and register for this free event. To find out more about the Golden Gate Bridge event and "Join me on the Bridge" events in other locales, visit the “Join me on the Bridge” website

If you have further questions, please contact our San Francisco volunteer organizers Deanne Yanek Travis at or Mary Ann Walsh at