Unfortunately, it too often takes a literal JOLT - like Thursday’s Bay Area earthquakes - that impels us to ask, “Is this all there is?”, “Am I content with my life?” and “What am I waiting for?” Fortunately, there was no damage or loss of life as a result of the October 20th, 3.9 magnitude tremblors, so we’re not in an ‘it’s too late’ state.
Since they did strike, how can we capitalize on this disconcerting wake-up call? How about deciding to live consciously with gratitude and wonder? How about looking at what’s unsettling or unsatisfactory in our lives and/or in the world around us, and deciding that enough’s enough. That we’re going to make a change, beginning with clarifying what’s not O.K., identifying a new goal, making a plan and then following through, step by baby step. Maybe it will require guidance and support. Get it. Maybe there will be failures along the way. Consider them learning opportunities. And as there is progress, celebrate!
It takes concerted practice to live consciously, plus courage and persistence to shift the status quo. But if you’re engaged in what matters to you and you’re committed to be(com)ing the person you want to be, you won’t need to ask, “If not now, when?” when the next JOLT happens. Why wait?