Who's tired out there? Tired of ensuring that you're accomplishing what's necessary to keep a company afloat. Tired of trying to stay engaged at your home 'office,' read: kitchen table, bed, closet... Tired of being bombarded about this mysterious, deadly pandemic. Tired of being confined and not knowing when life is going to open up again. Of figuring out how to support your family, on so many levels. Tired of worrying about your TP supply.
That's a lot of tired. A lot of effort. A lot of giving. Without enough receiving, renewing, refreshing.
I was inspired to ask myself how I could offer, especially in our super-stress inducing COVID-19 times, would provide some respite, some peace, perhaps some energizing inspiration. My caveat: whatever my offer, it had to be effort-free. I hope this offer will serve you in some way. And a caveat for you: as a coach, I don't provide answers; I focus on questions to elicit your self-revelation.
So here's the question I have for you:
1. Simply ask yourself this question:
“What have I done today that made a positive difference for my organization, for someone or for myself?”
2. Then, for a moment, experience whatever arises. Receive it, take a warm bath soak in it Expend no effort trying to recall, just let your memory swim throughout your body. Let go to let in. Just receive for yourself, about yourself, by yourself.
BTW, it’s not the number of things you've said or done today that matters. Instead, it's a matter of recognizing yourself, reminding yourself that who you are, what you do, matters. In essence: YOU MATTER.
What arises may be that you listened to a colleague who desperately needed someone to vent her worries to. Maybe you smiled at a stranger (with your eyes - where sincere smiles emanate from anyway - because your mask was covering up your mouth). Perhaps you're the one who moved into the street to let someone on the sidewalk safely pass by. It may be that you applied for an SBA loan or unemployment, to offer some relief, or updated your LI profile (yes, some companies are hiring!). Even though you were frantically preparing for your next Zoom meeting, maybe you stopped to admire your child's painting of Spring's blossoming daffodils.
Or maybe in this very moment, you've stopped to do absolutely nothing, nothing except the most mysterious, wondrous thing you could possibly do: breathe. In and out. Now that's something to recognize, to celebrate: the breathe that makes you YOU. Vital.
Or maybe in this very moment, you've stopped to do absolutely nothing, nothing except the most mysterious, wondrous thing you could possibly do: breathe. In and out. Now that's something to recognize, to celebrate: the breathe that makes you YOU. Vital.
(Drawing: https://artprojectsforkids.org/draw-daffodil)
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